Posts in লিঙ্ক

মারণখেলার টাইমলাইন: করোনায় “খরচযোগ্য” গার্মেন্ট শ্রমিক

An anonymous visit to a garment factory in Bangladesh

Mahmudul H Sumon After the Tazreen Fashions factory fire (2012) and the Rana Plaza collapse (2013), which killed 119 and 1,136 workers, respectively, the garment sector of Bangladesh has seen the coming of two new regimes of regulatory bodies, namely, “the Accord” (Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh) and… Read More

The bio-politics of COVID-19 and a new kind of racism

A middle-class senior citizen from a residential area in Dhaka city was “officially” recognized as the second to succumb to a coronavirus death. In a heartrending and thought-provoking Facebook post, his son revealed several codependent incidences that led to the demise of his dad. A private hospital initially recommended the… Read More

Special issue of Poetics Today 2022

Engaging Narrative Theory: Critical Approaches to the Storytelling Boom “Narratives are everywhere” was once the triumphant slogan of narrative scholars, but now we are starting to realize that this might in fact be a problem. In contemporary social media induced narrative environments, stories of personal change and disruptive experience often… Read More

How Bangladesh has changed

It is not often that Bangladesh is mentioned in international media. If there is news about the country, it is usually about a political crisis, natural disasters, or spectacular accidents. This is unfortunate since Bangladesh has enjoyed steady and strong economic growth in recent decades which has benefited a large… Read More

পশ্চিমা পরিভাষার আরোপণ এড়িয়ে বাংলার দর্শনকে বুঝতে চেষ্টা করেছি

রায়হান রাইনের গবেষণাগ্রন্থ বাংলার দর্শন: প্রাক্​–উপনিবেশ পর্ব এবার প্রথম আলো বর্ষসেরা বইয়ের মননশীল শাখায় পুরস্কৃত হয়েছে। এই বই ও দর্শনের নানা প্রসঙ্গ নিয়ে কথা বলেছেন গ্রন্থকার। সাক্ষাৎকার নিয়েছেন জাভেদ হুসেন Read More