Nazneen Shifa Chutipur, a typical village of Jessore stands by the river Kaptakkha. We went past the marketplace, and agricultural land to see men and women agricultural workers busy at work. In Kumor Para (Potters’ village), we discovered the potters’ community busy making and colouring potteries for the upcoming mela… Read More
Posts tagged Nazneen Shifa
A tale of a jewelry shop
Nazneen Shifa My first ever visit to a typical jewellery shop, located in Durgapara, a crowded neighbourhood on the outskirts of Chittagong city. Residents of the area and some adjacent areas are mostly occupied by garment factory workers. The showcases of the shop were empty when I entered the shop in… Read More
Understanding law, generation Z, and the emerging subjectivity
Nazneen Shifa Law has been seen as an instrumental tool of the feminist movement in Bangladesh since the 1980s. However, this development did not take place in a vacuum, rather we see this as a trend that we’ve seen all over the world through transnational discourses of women’s human rights…. Read More
“কিন্তু যখন গার্মেন্টস শ্রমিকেরা এরকম পরিস্থিতিতেও কাজ করে”
নাজনীন শিফা একজন তরুণ গার্মেন্টস শ্রমিকের কারখানার ভিতর থেকে করা একটা লাইভ ভিডিও দেখে এবং তার সাহসী বক্তব্য শুনে কিছুটা থমকে গেলাম। সপ্তাহ দুয়েক আগেই ডয়েচেভেল এর সাথে একটি আলোচনায় বিজিএমইএ’র সভাপতি রুবানা হক অনুষ্ঠান উপস্থাপকের খুবই যৌক্তিক একটি প্রশ্নের জবাবে খানিকটা উত্তেজিত ভঙ্গিতে বলছিলেন আপনারা সবসময় খোঁচা দিয়ে প্রশ্ন… Read More
Social distancing on the outskirts of Dhaka
Nazneen Shifa I was on my way to the grocery shop in Mirpur, just a few days after the government declared a “general holiday.” The shop was located in Mirpur 15. The road leading to the shop was full of people almost like any other pre-corona day. Hawkers, vangariwalas were… Read More
অধর চন্দ্র স্কুল অভিমুখে একটি নিরন্তর যাত্রা
A continuous journey towards Adhar Chandra School… Photos captured on the night of April 25, 2013 in Adhar Chandra School play ground with a cell phone. Thousands of relatives of Rana Plaza workers were waiting for the dead body of their loved ones. We mourn! Let us rage against corporate… Read More